New star map shows details of our Milky Way and other stars

Data from the European Space Agency's Gaia spacecraft were used to create what is the largest star map ever made (at least on planet Earth). The image, available here in high resolution to be appreciated in more detail, contains 1.7 billion stars, both from our own galaxy, the Milky Way, and beyond, all from the point of view of our Solar System. .

In addition to all these distant things, there is a lot of knowledge about the Solar System, like about 14, 000 objects found on it, from planets to asteroids.

In addition to the image that makes up the map, which is eye-popping for those who like this kind of “landscape, ” other data - more focused on astronomers and experts in the field - were released by the European Space Agency. It is information about the movement and color of 1.3 billion celestial stars (from the Sun point of view), how they relate to background elements (from the Earth point of view), their radial velocity and surface temperature. of many stars.

Information from far and near

In addition to all these distant things, there is a great deal of knowledge about the Solar System, such as about 14, 000 objects found on it, from planets to asteroids, to satellites and various other important data. Only time will tell what astronomers will be able to do with so much information, but surely much will be discovered through this star map. Some things even appear on the internet on social networks of experts in the field.

Because it is a plethora of data, it should be a long time before everything is properly analyzed and new discoveries are announced by astronomers and other scientists. For now, we can already see all the beauty and depth of our universe by accessing the star map by clicking this link.

New star map shows details of our Milky Way and other stars via TecMundo