The first stamp in the passport we never forget

I rush to make my new passport. And there I go, with a series of documents and waiting for you at the Federal Police. I was very well attended to make the document, I was happy when they let me make a new photo because I did not like the first. I was happy, until yesterday, when I went to get my brand new passport, I had a surprise: no passport for today.

I returned home a little frustrated, but took the opportunity to look again at my first passport. I made the document and took the seven-year-old US visa, the year of my first exit stamp. There is no way to remember, the trip was the best, especially for a child.

At the time I barely spoke English and parachuted on a trip to Florida with my mother, gift from my father. As I am a bit of a nerd since I was a kid, I took the trip to get to know Nasa (at the time, all the facilities were in Cape Canaveral), I really enjoyed the Disney parks and bought my first video game, which I have today: a Super Nintendo.

The trip paid off and we even caught a hurricane on the way. From there I brought many good memories and the spirit of adventurous travel, the kind I find to this day, even on my less distant walks.

Today I embark once again to Santa Catarina, but today my destination is Florianópolis. I hope to bring many news of the southern beaches to you. See you next week!