What happens when nerdy parents decide to fantasize about their children

You love comics, books, games, superhero movies and are tech-savvy. If anyone thinks this is just a phase, it is quite possible that they are mistaken!

No matter how much time passes or even if you will have to take care of a home and several children, the passion lasts forever!

In a carnival mood, check out these 19 parents who are teaching kids what is good from an early age!

1. Little Bilbo and Gandalf

2. Harry Potter and Dobby

3. ET and Elliot

4. Alan and Carlos

5. The Blues Brothers

6. Tanananananananan “It's gonna be legen ... wait for it ... DARY!”

7. We have to get it!

8. Geniuses, billionaires, playboys and philanthropists

9. Has more hero!

10. Hold this baby right, Superman!

11. An Unusual Encounter

12. R2-D2 very good

13. Chewbacca Baby

14. Luke and Yoda

15. BioShock

16. Mortal Kombat

17. The Ghostbusters

18. Mario, Luigi and Toad

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