What to do when your parents think you and your best friend are gay?

Travis Hanning of California traveled to Thailand with his best friend, Adam, and decided to take the opportunity to ride a wave with his own parents, who suspected he and Adam were boyfriends.

In a video titled “Just Friends, ” he and Adam experience scenes that would be typically romantic, but in a fun way, so that their parents would understand that there is really no romance between them.

The video was posted on YouTube two days ago and has since been viewed almost 630, 000 times. The scenes show the two really enjoying the trip very closely, although in some of them the proximity seems to be more comical than "romantic".

The best part of this whole joke? For us, the fact that they did not take the suspicion as an offense, after all there would be no problem if they were gay at all. Watch and then tell us what you think!