The 10 Dinosaurs You Wouldn't Like To Stumble On

Dinosaurs were monsters of all sizes, and their stomachs were also specific to their diet. Sure, there were vegetarians, but carnivores had the most violent weapons to get their prey.

Harsh breastplates, gigantic claws, sharp teeth: these features made some dinosaurs feared even by other big guys. Below we list the 10 most violent prehistoric animals of his time. Good thing they're not around anymore, are they?


The first of our list is not as big as some others. If we could compare it to an existing animal, it would be similar to the rhino in size. About 3 meters long, it had a long and sturdy bone structure. In addition, its weapons were very wide horns, large and long canines and a posture ready to challenge any intruder.


This monster came before the famous saber-toothed tiger. Of the canid family, Epicyon resided in North America. When standing to attack, it could reach up to 2 meters in height. His fangs were easily annihilated by his powerful claws and large head. Critter, you're really a destroyer, see?


At 6 meters long and 3 meters high, reaching up to 1 ton in weight, what scared this dinosaur was not its brute force. What set his enemies apart was the combination of his reasonable strength, frightening claws (about 12 inches) and his great speed. Intelligence also signaled here, as evidence of cognitive properties was found in his brain.


Relative of whales, but without the cuteness. This animal touched terror underwater and even fed on sharks. Relatively small compared to today's whales, their size extended only 4 meters in length. Although it's not cool for other critters to find Acrophyseter, there is a much worse sea monster. It's the...


Sharks are scary to many people, but that's because they have never seen the image of a Megalodon. This dinosaur can be considered the King of the Seas: 20 meters long, 100 tons in weight and bite with over 10, 000 pounds of pressure. Sorry, Rex, but (comma) if you fell into the water (comma) you would have no chance.


This is a true anaconda. Gigantic with an average length of 20 meters, the snake was home to Argentina, Brazil, Spain, India and Madagascar. How about a tight hug?


One of the largest carnivorous dinosaurs that ever set foot on the planet, it was almost 5 meters high. Its power is believed to have been in pack hunting. Alongside another three or four Giganotosaurus, the group easily knocked down an Argentinosaurus (45-meter-long, 21-tall, 85-ton vegetarian dinosaur).


Warm-blooded animals (both temperature and violence), their incisive teeth destroyed bodies and carcasses. Gorgonopsid could still get bigger than a rhino.


This alligator lived in the waters of the Amazon and swallowed everything with its 15 meters in length. It must be hard to fight this big guy, especially because of his thick armor.

Tyrannosaurus Rex

The most famous of all could not miss the list. 5 meters high and 13 meters long, this was the Dobermann of the dinosaurs. His reputation came for being the first fully assembled fossil - and also for his hunting skills.