Do men really prefer blondes?

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Have you noticed the number of women who, over the last decades, have been changing the color of their hair, making them blonde? There are several beliefs that this is due to the fact that "men prefer blondes, " but does this story have any scientific basis?

According to people at Discovery News, blond hair is rarer as the vast majority of the population has darker locks. Therefore, many women end up changing their hair color in order to become different from the majority and stand out from the rest.

At first all the locks were black

According to the publication, it is normal for us to be attracted to what is different, to novelty. Thus, the more common the hair shade, the less desired it becomes. Modern humans emerged in Africa, migrating to Europe about 35, 000 years ago, when probably the entire population had black hair.

As some researchers speculate, 10 or 15, 000 years ago a genetic mutation caused the first variations in hair color, giving rise to brown, red, and blond strands at about the same time as changes that resulted in eyes of other colors. also.

Male scarcity in the prehistoric market

(Image source: Thinkstock)

However, for Peter Frost, an anthropologist at Laval University in Canada, the reason for this change may have been the result of an evolutionary trait that emerged thousands of years ago, causing the first blond highlights to appear in the hair of prehistoric women. to increase your chances of finding a suitable partner.

As Frost explains, during the last ice age men were forced to travel farther afield, which in turn increased male mortality rates. This shortage of men in the prehistoric “market” has led to greater competition among women in finding a suitable partner.

More blond than blond

Thus, Frost suggests that women eventually developed traits that set them apart, helping them win the fierce dispute over the few available men by drawing more attention to their unusual looks.

This factor would also explain why even more naturally blonde girls are born today than boys, and explain why their hair darkens more slowly than their hair.

But do men really prefer blondes?

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Some studies point out that blondes really do seem to take some advantage over others. Discovery News said a survey revealed that waitresses wearing blond wigs received more tips from male patrons, while another study involving 12, 000 men using a popular dating site pointed to a slight preference for light-haired women. .

But, as the researchers explained, once blond hair becomes too common, it may not be as interesting - as the black hair of prehistory - which is likely to lead women to look for a new and extravagant color to look at. catch the attention of their suitors. And do you, the reader, also prefer blondes?

Source: Discovery News