Patterns change: look at the early 20th century strongholds

When it comes to physical appearance, it is most common for people to see images and content about how women's patterns have changed over the years. However, male patterns have also undergone dramatic transformations. An example was the “size” of early 20th-century weightlifters compared to the big guys who take part in competitions today.

Man doing pose

(Rare Historical Photos)

The folks at the Rare Historical Photos website put together a collection of photos of the past big guys - who were raging between the women (and the jealousy of the boys) with their biceps and big breasts at the time. According to the RHP, at the beginning of the last century, there were no gyms or training today, focused on turning men into mountains of muscle. Also, there was no such thing as stuffing the body with anabolic steroids or dangerous substances to swell the body.

Different patterns

Basically, professional weightlifters from the old days emerged as a result of the Industrial Revolution and the transition from activities that required the use of physical force to a more sedentary routine - once machines began to do the heavy lifting. For it was the fear that this new lifestyle would affect masculinity that eventually motivated the appearance of strong and strong.

Strong and chubby

(Rare Historical Photos)

A curious aspect is that the first championships were focused on demonstrations of physical strength and not on showing over defined bodies. So much so that, as you can see in the pictures, the competitors had no six packs and some were even chubby! Bodybuilding was only to emerge later, on the initiative of a German named Friedrich Muller, who introduced presentations where muscle display became the focal point. But enough talk and let's go to the images! Check out:

Showing muscles

(Rare Historical Photos)

Posing for photo

(Rare Historical Photos)

Big guy

(Rare Historical Photos)

Showing the muque

(Rare Historical Photos)

Weightlifting display

(Rare Historical Photos)

Muscle Demonstration

(Rare Historical Photos)

Power show

(Rare Historical Photos)


(Rare Historical Photos)

Muscle display

(Rare Historical Photos)

Mounted on the bike

(Rare Historical Photos)

Old bodybuilder

(Rare Historical Photos)

Past strongman

(Rare Historical Photos)

Past strongman

(Rare Historical Photos)

Default Change

(Rare Historical Photos)

Showing off the biceps

(Rare Historical Photos)


(Rare Historical Photos)

Showing off the arms

(Rare Historical Photos)

Posing for photo

(Rare Historical Photos)