UFO appears in video recorded by International Space Station [video]

It is not difficult to believe that there is life outside the earth. In such a large universe, it is hard to believe that we are alone here. But now the most enthusiastic on the subject have even more reason to believe in visits from other beings to our planet.

A strange unidentified flying object (UFO) was spotted from the International Space Space (ISS). His images were sent to earth via streaming on November 4th.

The video released (click here to watch) is almost three hours long, but the UFO only appears from 1:39. The object is ring-shaped and looks slightly transparent (or is it just moving at high speed?).

It also changes color and appears to be affected by sunlight, which reflects shadows on it. Interestingly, the object follows the ISS and disappears as soon as it passes the Terminator, the line separating day from night, which is clearly visible in space.

Another curious fact - which is obviously leaving a lot of people with a "flea behind the ear" - is that videos uploaded directly from the ISS are usually extremely long, but no one yet knows why this particular one has a particular feature. only three hours long.

Would the video have been edited? Has any approach been made, however, taken from the video? Was it just a reflection? These are the constant questions on the web since the episode was published. Leave your bets on the comments!

Scientists find 104 habitable planets!

To make everyone even more curious, the same day the video was shot (Nov. 4), scientists announced the discovery of no less than 833 "planet-candidate" stars. In their midst there are 104 worlds that seemingly can afford life.

Of the 104 planets, at least 10 of them are similar in size to Earth. "We are opening a new era of exploration for our galaxy, " said William Borucki, lead researcher for the Kepler mission, which takes place at NASA's Ames Research Center in Moffett Field, California.