Research says women feel fat 3 times a day

(Image source: Thinkstock)

A UK survey by the Travelodge hotel chain, reported in the Daily Mail, found that seven out of ten British women feel fat at least three times a day.

According to the study, done with men and women, 80% of respondents said they are not satisfied with their appearance.

Eight out of ten participants said that their lives would improve considerably if they were happy with their physique, while stating that a prettier body would increase sexual desire.

But among women, what would be the ideal body models? According to the research, they dream of having Cameron Diaz's shapely legs, Gisele Bundchen's healed belly, Kim Kardashian's butt and Jessica Simpson's full breasts.

The survey also revealed that 61% of men also worry about their body three times a day. Ideal shapes for them include David Beckham's legs, actor Channing Tatum's butt, and Mark Wahlberg and Matthew McConaughey's muscular bellies.

Via TodaEla