Pokémon: Get to know the anatomy of some of the top little monsters

(Image source: Reproduction / Ryan Mauskopf)

If you played any of the first versions of Pokémon (red or blue), you should remember which were the first monsters available on the adventure. Professor Oak allowed the new trainers to choose from Bulbassauro, Charmander, and Squirtle, each of which had its advantages and disadvantages - which would be exploited by Gary, his greatest enemy.

But have you ever wondered what these pokemon looks like inside? For an illustrator named Ryan Mauskopf decided to draw the species already mentioned and also the famous Pikachu to show what their anatomy would look like. In the images that are in this news, you can see a little more about the organisms of Charmander, Squirtle and Bulbassaurus.

Pokémon: Get to know the anatomy of some of the top little monsters

Pokémon: Get to know the anatomy of some of the top little monsters

Pokémon: Get to know the anatomy of some of the top little monsters

Pokémon: Get to know the anatomy of some of the top little monsters

(Image source: Reproduction / Ryan Mauskopf)

Mauskopf has prepared all the designs for the company Busted Tees, which produces fun t-shirts with themes related to the main icons of pop culture. Each t-shirt costs $ 20 (plus shipping and import fees).

Source: Busted Tees and Ryan Mauskopf