For some reason, millions of people are watching the video of a lemon!

Aren't you sometimes surprised by the things that go viral on the internet? It's crazy dancing, meme, it's frowning cat, prank, sneak pics, clueless challenge ... Anyway, everything! The last one on this list - which keeps growing and surpassing itself - was a video of a lemon. That's right, dear reader, a simple and simple lemon, rolling down the street, and the clip totaled over 7 million views by the time this article was published.

Each one...

According to Jack Webb of the Independent / Indy100 news portal, it all started last Wednesday, with a tweet from a San Diego photographer named Michael Sakasegawa. This guy was coming home when he saw something yellow rolling down the street and, thinking it was a tennis ball, he went after the object to check.

Then, when he got close to the supposed ball, Michael realized it was a lemon and instead of letting go of the fruit, he decided to accompany the citrus on his trip - with his cell phone ready, obviously. And the photographer recorded the lemon rolling and rolling for almost two minutes until it stopped, which, by the consumption patterns of social and internet users in general, is a hell of a time. Check it out below:

Today as I was walking home after my run I saw a large lemon rolling down the hill. It kept rolling for about a quarter mile. And now you can see it, too.

- Mike Sakasegawa (@sakeriver) July 11, 2018

Anyway, Michael shared the wandering lemon video on Twitter and surprisingly the crowd loved it. So much so that, as we mentioned at the beginning of the post, it was not thousands of people who watched the clip, but millions ! Another curious thing is that the photographer took the lemon home after it stopped rolling - it weighed 262 grams - and there was no shortage of people tweeting Michael with suggestions for using the fruit. Okay, now we have a lemon that had its 15 minutes of fame. Can this?


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