Why does a hot bath improve sleep?

A survey of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine found that one in three adult Americans has symptoms of insomnia. The study also pointed out that more than 100, 000 traffic accidents occur each year as a result of drivers who fell asleep behind the wheel. In addition, difficulties in sleeping can lead to other serious health problems such as hypertension, diabetes, heart attack, stroke and depression.

People who suffer from insomnia often resort to prescription or natural remedies to regulate sleep and ensure adequate rest. But science explains that a good hot bath can also help in this process.

Research by scientists from Houston and California, United States, reviewed more than 5, 000 sleep studies and cross-referenced some data on warm and warm baths as a way to improve people's sleep quality. According to the data, a ten-minute bath with temperatures between 40 and 42 degrees (the survey uses 104 and 109 Fahrenheit) can significantly improve sleep. The survey also showed that if a hot bath is taken one to two hours before bed, it speeds up a person's speed by 36%.

But not only that, most people say that besides sleeping faster, the quality of the night's rest was much better than on nights without a warm bath before bed.

What is the explanation?

And why does a warm bath help improve sleep? Science explains: For 24 hours, our body undergoes temperature changes, having higher temperatures in the morning and night, and lower during bedtime. As to start sleeping, body temperature has to be falling, when taking a hot shower, the body's blood flow brings heat to the surface (especially hands and feet) and rejects heat to the environment, which causes temperature drop.

So taking a shower an hour or two before going to bed, when you finally lie down, your body is completely relaxed and in the ideal condition to start a long and pleasant sleep.

So who is going to test the theory?