Pornhub is banning artificial intelligence-generated porn videos

Internet users are inserting, via artificial intelligence, the faces of famous actresses into the bodies that appear in pornographic films. Modified videos are usually shared on Internet forums and chans, however, many of them have started to appear on popular porn sites - and now Pornhub, one of the most popular, has commented on the case.

"We do not tolerate any non-consensual content on the site and we remove all such content as soon as we are informed of it, " a spokeswoman told Motherboard. "Non-consensual content directly violates our terms of service and consists of content such as revenge pornography, deepfakes or anything posted without a person's consent or permission."

Previously, Discord and Gfycat also commented that they will not accept deepfake videos on their platforms.

  • To understand more about deepfake, click here.

Pornhub is banning artificial intelligence-generated porn videos via TecMundo