Project brings together volunteers to take care of the children of mothers who will make Enem

Most of the time, having children is an enriching experience, and in many cases it is the mothers who have the responsibility to take care of their children, leaving time to study, work and think about themselves - this scenario is even worse between who have financial difficulties and can't afford to get help.

Thinking about mitigating the problem of mothers who have no one to leave their children with, the journalist Fernanda Vicente created “Mães no Enem”. With a very specific focus, the idea is to register volunteers who are willing to take care of the children of women who will perform the Enem, but have no one to leave the children with on test days.

“The Mothers in Enem project promotes rapprochement between mothers and pre-registered volunteers. It is the sole responsibility of the child's family to make a thorough analysis of the volunteer's life. For this the collective makes available the registration form and documents of each of the women registered ”, explains the description of the project on their Facebook fanpage.

According to Fernanda, in a statement published in Folha de São Paulo, women from all over the country are offering to take the idea to their cities. “I am a mother and I know how difficult it is to reconcile motherhood and study, so I want and will help, ” he said.

Stream of good


It was not just mothers and volunteers who became interested in the cause. Fernanda had the legal help of Ana Bavon, who created the application forms and a disclaimer so that mothers can really know who they are leaving their children with, and thus prevent people in bad faith from trying to take advantage of idea.

Volunteers must be at least 18 years old and, in addition to completing the registration form, must submit copies of ID and proof of residence. Once approved, they become part of the program database, which has the role of uniting mothers and registered volunteers.

“I really liked the project because there is a mother who needs this support and there are people who want to support. So it costs nothing to do the least to make this relationship safe, ”explained Ana.

The Enem test will take place on September 5th and 6th. The intention is to spread the project initiative there so that the number of registered mothers and volunteers increases, so that these women can help each other. We here at Mega very support this initiative! Tell us what you think of her.