When 'Cat Island' calls for help, the internet answers (and caprices)

The internet loves cats, and this is not necessarily new. Perhaps that is precisely why some inhabitants of Aoshima Island in southern Japan decided to turn to her for help. The place is known as "Island of Cats", because it has a population of cats that exceeds six times the amount of humans that live there.

Due to an unstable climate, the food supply for the pussies has been cut. Without much outlet, an island cat keeper tweeted, "Please send cat food to Aoshima. There are no stores to buy food here, and people get what they need by taking a boat to the mainland. It's very windy.", and the shuttle service is suspended ".

It was enough that, in a matter of days, the island would simply be filled with donations of feline food - so much that there was nowhere to stock up.

The same person who solicited donations had to go back to Twitter and ask people to stop sending cat food. "Please stop sending supplies to Aoshima. We have so much more than we expected and we have nowhere to stock up. Thank you very much, " the tweet says.

Sent well, internet.

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