Who is Nilson Izaías Papinho, the 71-year-old who won YouTube

Being youtuber is the dream of many millennials who practically live on the internet. There are thousands upon thousands of channels on Google's video platform that address the most diverse topics in totally different ways, but all in search of fame, countless followers and, of course, good money for every content they produce.

Grandpa's persistence in several videos was a hit on the internet, earning youtuber more than 1.7 million followers

But contrary to internet trends, the new darling of YouTube is a 71-year-old man named Nilson Izaias, also known as Papinho. With irresistible simplicity and charisma, Grandpa created his YouTube channel on December 7 and posted videos showing the fruits of his backyard, the birds that visit him daily and his daily life where he lives.

But what made his Nilson channel pop were the videos where he tries to make a slime, that sticky, sticky gel that the kids love to play with, usually sold under the name amoeba, and whose making is popular among channels. of young people on YouTube.


Grandpa's persistence in several videos - some successful in slime production, some not so successful - was a hit on the internet, yielding youtuber more than 1.7 million followers and a total of over 10 million views in just 3 months of channel and only 26 videos published.

Your channel hit the release of a new clip by Anitta and MC Kevinho

Not surprisingly, Nilson Izaias's latest channel video at the time of this publication ranks second among YouTube's rising titles. In it, Grandpa speaks a little more about himself and thanks for the affection and followers on his channel. His channel even hit the release of a new clip by Anitta and MC Kevinho, artists trying to hit the hit Carnival 2019 and rocking the platform.

Personal life

Nilson Izaias, now retired, lives in the city of Juquiá, in the interior of São Paulo, with his wife and son. He worked for 28 years in a school, as a janitor and porter, where he lived surrounded by children. When he retired, he felt alone and decided to create the channel to occupy himself and, according to himself, “make friends and exchange ideas”.

Many people commenting on your videos try to help grandpa youtuber allow monetization of your channel

Seu Nilson has no sophisticated production for his videos, unlike famous channels such as Backdoor and Felipe Neto - for whom even Grandpa has even hugged one of his videos. Grandpa just uses his simple mobile phone and drops content on YouTube with virtually no editing at all. Whindersson Nunes, another monster of the video platform, ended up giving Papinho a little force by broadcasting on Grandpa's youtuber channel.

And where's the money?

Success brought a huge following and visualization to Nilson Izaias - the dream of all youtubers on the rise. Your channel has recently received the absurd amount of 10, 000 subscribers per minute. Last Sunday alone (3), there were 700, 000 new followers.

Now it's time to make money - and deservedly! - with these videos. Many commenters try to help Grandpa youtuber allow monetization of his channel so he can get paid for views of his productions. It is estimated from the numbers presented by the channel that your Nilson can earn up to $ 10, 000, about $ 36, 700, for each of your videos that come viral as it has been happening.


Like everything that goes viral on the internet, it wasn't long before some controversy arose around the success of youtuber grandpa Nilson Izaias. What may be happening, according to some accusations on the Internet, is a phenomenon that is known as the "milkshake duck" or, in Portuguese, "milkshake duck".

This phenomenon - which in itself can also be considered an internet meme - concerns people who become famous on the internet, usually for having viralized with some content of positive connotation, but who in real life have some damnable character flaw. very negative.

A Twitter thread shows Facebook prints where an unidentified person says that in the school where the senior worked, it was necessary to watch him when near the children

A good example of this is the case of Chewbacca Mom, a woman who viralized in a video where she wears a mask of the furry Star Wars character and laughs at her own altered voice. Worshiped all over the internet, the woman was once again featured in making statements considered racist by society.

The name “milkshake duck” comes from a post by an Australian cartoonist telling a “joke”: “the internet loves the milkshake duck, a cute duck that knows how to drink milkshake. Five minutes later - we regret to inform you, but the duck is racist. ”

The whole internet loves Milkshake Duck, a lovely duck that drinks milkshakes! * 5 seconds later * We regret to inform you the duck is racist

- who pixelates the boatmen? (@pixelatedboat) June 12, 2016

Was Nilson Izaias a milkshake duck?

Returning to Brazil's newest youtuber, Nilson Izaias has been accused in some social networks of serious crimes, such as pedophilia. A Twitter thread shows Facebook prints where an unidentified person says that at the school where the senior worked, it was necessary to watch him when close to the children and that they had already caught Nilson with child porn on his cell phone, but the school had drowned out the case. .

speak my love knows the slime veLhinHo fOfinHo? pois eh bolsominion and pedophile hmkk bjs pic.twitter.com/DHtZu7M8dT

- Carou Bandit (@magconfeminist) February 4, 2019

In other prints, an alleged nilson of Nilson would have confirmed that all this would be true, but that it had all happened a long time ago and that today Nilson would be someone else. A different post, also on Twitter, would show that youtuber only likes and comments on videos of children in swimsuits. These are serious accusations of heavy crimes that would require evidence and a very concrete foundation.

Other Twitter users have set up a sequel to defend Nilson Izaias from the accusations, showing that the profile of the woman who impersonates the elderly niece would be fake and the print that makes the accusations would have been artificially created, even using a different source than she is. found on Facebook. The likes and comments on the kids videos would be just thanks for following your channel and other points that would discredit the accusations.

Evidence that Mr. Nilson is innocent and that the allegations of pedophilia are false:

- Cameramix Fandubs (@cameramix_extre) February 5, 2019

To avoid misleading and unfair conclusions, it is recommended to wait for all information to be cleared and to pay no attention to social networking rumors.

Who is Nilson Izaías Papinho, the 71-year-old who conquered YouTube via TecMundo