22 Pictures Of Guinea Pigs That Will Melt Your Heart

Fuzzberta, this little guinea pig, has a jealous closet: dozens of amazing costumes! With over 25, 000 Instagram followers, the page shows her and her friends in unusual situations.

Here's why you'll want to have a guinea pig:

1. They are friendly and have an expressive look.

2. Don't worry about shopping

3. Nor in preparing the food

4. Always take time to eat your favorite snacks.

5. If You Want, They Can Be A Great Company For Afternoon Tea

6. Or for the weekend beer

7. They have great taste! Enjoy Star Wars ...

8. Adventure Time ...

9. Harry Potter ...

10. Frozen ...

11. And even Pokémon!

12. They love music

13. But don't worry, they know how to use their headphones when they need

14. When you least expect it, they can give you a letter or that order you were expecting.

15. Or take care of you when you are sick

16. They may be ready for some

17. But overall they are well behaved

18. And most importantly, they never abandon their friends at the important times!

Do you know animals that are well costumed? Comment on the Mega Curious Forum