Medical records point out that Hitler used various drugs, including cocaine.

As an advocate of a “superior race, ” Adolf Hitler believed it needed to be a symbol of virility. If his goal was really to rule the world according to Nazi ideology, he needed to show his followers that it was in itself a perfect example of physical and mental health.

But suffering from hypochondria, depression, and with almost no sexual interest, meeting the requirements of manhood was a difficult task for the dictator. And it was these reasons that led Hitler to use drugs such as cocaine and amphetamine to become a kind of "Nazi superman."

Hitler even consumed cocktails with over 80 different substances. Image Source: Reproduction / Einestages

Theodor Morell, the Führer's trusted doctor, was found to have managed cocktails of over 80 different substances, including vitamins, probiotics, morphine, barbiturates, rat poison, bull semen and even an oil that was used to Clean up guns. Some doctors at the time even speculated that the dictator was being poisoned by Morell.

The influence of substances

The records also pointed out that the Führer smelled cocaine to “clear the sinuses and soothe the throat” and to use eye drops with a 10% addition of cocaine. When he began to miss the substances, the doses were reduced.

Morell also applied "manhood injections" to Hitler, which contained extracts taken from the testicles of young bulls, to increase the dictator's sexual desire and ensure he could satisfy his 23-year-old mate Eva Braun. The doctor also prescribed bull semen injections as a kind of Viagra for the Führer.

Adoph Hitler and Theodor Morell. Image Source: Reproduction / Einestages

Since the discovery of medical records and the launch of the book Was Hitler Ill? (“Hitler was sick?”) By historian Henrik Eberle and Professor Hans-Joachim Neumann, the discussion of the effects of these substances on Hitler's behavior and decisions gained space and divided opinions.

Theodor Morell took care of Hitler's health throughout the war, even though his fellow Nazis were critical of his work and blamed him for the direction the dictator was taking. After being captured by the Allies and accused of negligence, Morell confessed to administering opioids, morphine, barbiturates and amphetamines, further increasing speculation about how the drugs would not have influenced the dictator's destructive behavior.

And you, dear reader, what do you think about this controversy?