Giant 'Pacific Rim' Robots Use Cargo Ships as Baseball Bat

If you didn't know about Guillermo del Toro's new sci-fi movie, get ready to keep your mouth open with some scenes from the new trailer. The video is a true “greatness” show, showing huge horned monsters capable of electromagnetic pulse discharges and all. To top it off and put the icing on the cake, one of the movie's giant strands simply uses a cargo ship as a bat to smash the face of one of the monsters.

And you figuring that seeing your favorite superheroes lifting and tossing cars and trucks around was a jaw-dropping thing. The film should arrive in Brazil with the title of "Circle of Fire", while the original is as "Pacific Rim".

In the plot, giant war robots are symbiotically piloted by human soldiers attempting to strike back the attack of also giant alien monsters that appeared from a crack in the Pacific Ocean. The production debut date in Brazil is scheduled for September 9.

Via Tecmundo