Star Wars: Parakeet mimics popular R2-D2 and hits performance hard

The return of the Star Wars franchise to theaters is getting closer, with Episode VII: The Force Awakening having December 2015 as its release date, which makes many fans get even more into the mood of the universe created by George Lucas. Some of them, however, are more peculiar than others, such as a small blue and white bird that mimics the sounds of a character very similar to him. Ah yes, we are talking about an extremely skilled parakeet that gives life to the “speech” of the versatile R2-D2 robot - eternal companion of C-3PO.

An Australian family has taught curious Bluey to emulate the Star Wars droid, and since then, they say, the bird has driven everyone from the house to madness with its robotic chatter. Carli Jeffrey explains that his seven-year-old daughter raised this first budgie from a close-knit family and that he was always intrigued by voices and sounds made by other animals, such as cockatoos and pigeons, often copying them.

“We played him some R2-D2 sounds that we found on YouTube about four or five times, and a few days later our daughter came running over, saying he was playing R2-D2, ” says Carli, who says she was impressed with how quickly he assimilated the sound effect. Apparently, the other parakeets - acquired after Bluey - tried to copy the most talented brother, but were only able to reproduce short snippets of the bluebird's big presentation.

In addition to impersonating R2-D2, Bluey also enjoys mimicking laser sounds, kisses and even rambling English phrases, as if talking to himself. The bird's performance video already has over 500, 000 views and nearly 400 comments, in which netizens are divided between enthusiastic and surprised by the small show.

Via TecMundo