Steampunk: Full Steam Style

Cover of "20, 000 Leagues Under the Sea" by Julio Verne. Source: Reproduction Although the name is unfamiliar to most, many people have seen something steampunk style. The fashion that began in the mid-Victorian Era in England (1837-1901) stems from the stories of Julio Verne. His book "20, 000 Leagues Under the Sea" can be considered a milestone in the science fiction of the time and the beginning of the culture of steam powered machines.

The style began to become quite popular with the release of films such as "Sherlock Holmes", "The Extraordinary League", "The Brothers Grimm" and "The Golden Compass". Despite showing some common technologies these days, movies have given the items a good makeover to make them look older. The so-called "period computers" would be no more than a wooden panel full of pointer dials, cranks and levers.

The term steampunk is a variant of cyberpunk, coined in William Gibson's novel, "Neuromancer" (1984). Gibson's book shows the relationship of men to oppressive technology - somewhat distant from the early Victorian romantics of the Industrial Revolution. Although fans of steam engines do little to rebel to deserve punk, the name remains.

The steam fashion

In addition to being a subgenre of literature, steampunk also determines a way of dressing. Men wear their top hats, eyeglasses and braces while women tighten their corsets, fasten cameos and put on their gloves. Jackets and armed dresses are important pieces in this style that mimics the 19th century.


The steampunk style uses a lot of leather, metal, gears, wood and glass in curved shapes for the time. This creates a great possibility for creating accessories of various types - watches, earrings, necklaces and even revamp modern iPhones and USB sticks.

A Victorian Wardrobe

To have your wardrobe worthy of a Queen Victoria court member, you need to have a good collection of more delicate but delicate hats, corsets, skirts, gloves and boots. But this style can be well adapted if you want to make your steampunk look a little bit modern.

Getting inspired by steam train drivers' clothing can be a great idea. Button-up overalls, when given the right cut to enhance your body, can look sexy. It all depends on the combinations you make for this to happen.


The demand for current clothes with a steampunk flair is already big enough to have stores specializing in this type of clothing. Steampunk Couture, Clockwork Couture and even independent stores on Etsy are examples of this niche. On the site you can find pieces that look like they came out of a movie or video game.


Although lighter and more comfortable, corsets become a fundamental part of a steampunk look. Even without the fins, they are indispensable precisely because they structure the body well and leave the waist and breasts in evidence.

Another important detail in women's steampunk looks is the great influence of men's pieces. You will often see women wearing trousers - something very unusual for the historical period - jackets and even bowler hats or watches. Canes and scepters also end up influencing looks in some situations.

The steampunks

This style inspires more than movies, games and clothes. Many people identify with both this historical period and the Verne, Welles, and Lovecraft novels that begin to frequent the famous "Victorian picnics." At these meetings everyone dresses up as the costume dictates and tries to recreate common dialogues and situations for the 19th century.


The idea is to set aside a day to go back in time and "sip an excellent cup of tea at five o'clock in the afternoon in the presence of your most esteemed guests." So if you want to adopt some elements of steampunk in your daily life, start oiling your gears!