Need to improve self-esteem? Come here we teach

1 - No generic positive statements

It's no use saying you're a great human being. This is very broad. When it comes to praising yourself and recognizing your values, go deeper and notice specific qualities, such as being a person with many friends or being a grandson who always visits grandparents.

It is also worth that charming little spot you have in the corner of your mouth, the curly hair, the color of your eyes, the way you get attention when dancing in the ballad and even the ease to deal with numbers, envying all the people of Humanas .

Understand: It is not wrong or selfish to recognize one's own qualities. This is good for keeping your self-esteem up to date and letting you know it has value.

2 - In which areas are you really competent?

Some people do well writing, others find it easy to draw pictures and illustrations, or sing very well, or love to study astronomy. Just as our physical traits are different, so are our talents, and you have to recognize what your greatest abilities are to start using them to your advantage.

Once your skills are identified, you can improve yourself further, take advantage of them and perhaps turn them into a possible profession one day. In terms of self-esteem, it is always good to remember that you are a competent and talented person.

3 - Put these skills into practice

Once your strength has been found, put it into practice. Have you thought about creating a blog, an online portfolio, an exhibition, a band? Why not? As important as having a more profound competence is knowing how to put it into practice - always remember that.

4 - Learn to receive positive feedbacks

When our self-esteem is not at its best, we tend not to accept generally positive praise and criticism. Here, the key is basically training your mind to hear compliments differently - if someone says your outfit is beautiful, instead of answering with an “imagine, it's super old”, simply thank them. And accept: your outfit is beautiful. It may be awkward at first, but then you get used to it and stop making negative comments about yourself.

5 - Allow yourself!

After the four steps above, don't be afraid to like yourself, to be proud of your achievements, to think of yourself as a beautiful person, to feel good without it seeming wrong. When self-esteem is low, it is normal to think the worst of ourselves and think that we are not good enough, but the truth is that this is a vicious circle: the more you think you are inferior, the more you act inferior.

The good news is that the opposite is also true, and you can always work to change a negative situation. If it is very difficult and if low self-esteem seems to be a complement to other pessimistic symptoms of your behavior, be aware that psychological help is always possible.