Everyone on earth, including you, was struck by Fukushima radiation

New research shows that the Fukushima nuclear accident in March 2011 had global effects: everyone on the planet, including you and me, received a radiation discharge from the disaster. At the time, the plant was hit by a tsunami caused by an intense earthquake and had three of its six reactors affected.

The main radioactive element released was cesium-137, which is now practically concentrated in the oceans and polar ice caps. However, new studies show that some of this radiation has spread across the globe, reaching all living things. But this is no cause for panic: the researchers concluded that each person received the equivalent of the radiation dose released on an x-ray examination.

The one who guarantees that we should not worry about this is Norwegian researcher Nikolaos Evangeliou, who exposed his team's discovery at an annual convention that took place in Vienna, Austria. Most of the data collected came from stations around the Earth that monitor radiation levels in the environment.

Image of March 16, 2011, five days after the plant was damaged by the tsunami

The biological effect of this radiation was measured by the unit called sieverts. Each person on Earth is believed to have received 0.2 millisievert (mSv) of radiation from the Fukishima disaster - very low, if we think, for example, that every Briton receives 2.7 mSv annually and every standard chest x-ray. releases 0.1 mSv.

Even a CT scan will have a much larger radioactive effect, around 15 mSv. And yet all these values ​​are far from worrying, since radiation-related illnesses require 1, 000 mSv (1 Sv) to manifest. If you were exposed to such a high value, you would have nausea and vomiting and could even survive if you were properly treated in time.

During the nuclear accident, 300, 000 people were evacuated from the areas closest to the plant, not to suffer from the effects of contamination. At the time of the disaster, no one died from the radiation effects, although inhabitants of nearby regions, particularly Japan, were the most affected: many are believed to have received doses up to 5 mSv, 50 times more than me. and you, but still little to cause any damage.

Areas near the disaster received a higher radiation load


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