Feline torture? Booties keep cats from scratching their owners

Have you ever tried to pill a cat or take it to the vet? Or have you ventured into one of the biggest difficulties of the “catmen”: bath time? The chance of you getting out of scratches is huge, especially with more agitated or nervous cats, after all, these are not very pleasant situations.

To solve this problem, you can buy plastic booties that keep your nails hidden. The props have a kind of screw that secures them firmly to their paws and makes the riskier tasks of feline “maintenance” safer for the owner.


However, pussies do not use their nails just to defend themselves from unpleasant situations. It is normal for cats to scratch furniture such as a sofa and chairs to sharpen their claws, driving their owners crazy, especially when they damage something of value. Thus, it is not difficult to imagine that some less sensible humans could put on their boots forever, disrupting the cat's locomotion and life itself. Would you use it on your kitten?


Very happy. Only not.


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