Uber puts pickup truck to circulate in Rio de Janeiro

Uber, one of the sponsors of the carioca carnival, announced that it will put a different car to circulate in Rio de Janeiro during the summer. It is a pickup truck called “Acqua Uber”, which has a real bucket pool. Passengers will be taken from side to side as they refresh themselves.

To get a wet ride, users will need to hit the car instead of calling it through the app. Last weekend, Acqua Uber was circulating between Pedra do Leme and Copacabana during Saturday and, on Sunday, went to Av. Vieira Solto.

The schedule for the coming weekends will always be announced in advance through this site. To top it off, the company also installed a shower at station 10 in Ipanema for use off the beach.

Uber puts pickup truck to circulate in Rio de Janeiro via TecMundo