An asteroid passed near Earth and we barely noticed

A 35-meter asteroid passed just 100, 000 kilometers from Earth. Worst of all, we only realized the existence of this rocky body one day before the passage.

The object was discovered by the International Astronomical Union Asteroid Center and named 2016 QA2.

The asteroid has not come close enough that there is a risk of collision with our planet, but what may leave us a little worried is how such an object spends so much time unnoticed.

For know that such events are far more common than they seem. According to NASA, less than 1% of objects close to Earth 30 meters or less have been identified.

But do not panic. Among large asteroids, more than 1 km long, that pass close to Earth, that number rises to over 90%. These giants, which can really threaten our existence, are under control and should pose no danger. When in doubt, we expect astronomers to keep an eye.