Soundcloud user mixes music genres and works incredibly well

Dear reader, imagine what it would be like to hear the instrumental part of the song “Smells Like Teen Spirit”, from the eternalized grunge band Nirvana, with the vocal technique of the funkeiro Bola de Fogo. Don't you happen to know this singer named video game skill? He was largely responsible for the success "I'm getting bogged down, I'm getting bogged down, calm, calm, foggy".

This mix was made by the user of SoundCloud MashmyAs $, from Porto Alegre. He had the idea of ​​putting rhythms of rock, axé, pop, cumbia, electro, funk carioca and other genres existing in this diverse Brasilzão.

You can check out the malemolence of sounds like the poetic “Wake Me Up Sleeping (Aviici vs. MC Fernandinha)” and Chatuba de Mesquita's collaboration with King James Brown on “Sex Machine Tram”. Our suggestion is as follows: stop reading this article and go listen to the entire playlist of this DJ and music producer.