Video repeats Darth Vader's breath for 10 hours

There is always someone who snores very loudly and bothers everyone. In general, this person ends up being isolated when sharing rooms on holiday trips and receives constant criticism from the loved one, forced to share the bed with the “snoring machine”. In the Star Wars universe, who would carry this fate would surely be the villain Darth Vader.

Vader's heavy, sinister breathing is on the minds of all fans of the movie series. The "detail" is so striking that it has even won a special scene in "Episode III: Revenge of the Sith, " leading the most dedicated soldiers on the dark side of the Force to shed a tear as Anakin Skywalker turned cyborg.

Breath audio is widely broadcast on the internet and can be easily found. But now the fanatics will be able to spend 10 uninterrupted hours listening to Darth Vader's breathing, thanks to the video recently posted on YouTube. If you want to go through this unique experience, just click "play" in the video above. Some say that after a while, the repetition of the audio becomes relaxing.