Long and prosperous life: 15 simple ways to live longer and better

When a person has a birthday, we usually congratulate them and wish them many years to live. Living hard is definitely one of our biggest goals. If that's what you want too, check out some of the following unusual attitudes taken from Time that may help you erase many more candles. And, of course, don't forget to look both ways before you cross - a little caution also helps:

1 - Adopt a dog

Research published in Circulation has found that having a dog at home makes the dog's owner more active and therefore decreases the risk of developing heart disease. Look how cool: who takes your dog for a walk ends up doing, on average, 150 minutes of physical activity weekly. After all, having a dog will reduce your stress and make you a happy person.

2 - Have more sex

This is a very pleasurable way of doing good for your health. You may not know it, but many scientists out there have already suggested that there is a direct relationship between having orgasms and living longer. You can start celebrating.

Let's go to data and dates: A 1997 survey found that men who had plenty of orgasms were less likely to develop heart disease. In addition, having sex will improve your immune system, reduce your stress, and even help control your appetite - a great addition to your new diet. Three orgasms a week will already improve your health. Medical orders: better not contradict.

3 - Don't forget to floss

Flossing will not only take away that little food left between your teeth, it will also prevent plaque formation. The truth is, not flossing can cause inflammation in your gums, which increases the risk of heart attacks and strokes. It sounds bizarre, but several studies relate the emergence of heart disease to poor oral hygiene. Experts recommend flossing at least once a day.

4 - Have positive attitudes

Scientists at Albert Einstein School of Medicine in New York studied the lives of 243 centenarians and found that they all had some characteristics in common: they were people who saw the bright side of life, optimistic, happy and easy to live with.

When in doubt, try to be a more malleable person, have more fun, laugh more, spend some of your time watching funny videos or doing anything that makes you laugh. Laughing helps to lower blood pressure, severe pain and stress.

5 - Be sociable

Hanging out with friends, going to a bar or just getting together for coffee can make you live longer. A review of 148 research by Brigham Young University found that there is clearly a relationship between social life and long life.

"People with strong social relationships are 50% more likely to continue living than those with weak relationships, " said Elizabeth Lombardo, a researcher, writer and psychologist. She added that being alone can compromise our immune system.

6 - Eat nuts

People who eat nuts are often less likely to die from heart disease than those who don't. The relationship between nuts and longevity was published in 2013 in the New England Journal of Medicine.

Nuts are rich in antioxidants, fiber, unsaturated fats and, in addition, are bad for your heart health. Consuming in moderation is worth it.

7 - Discover Your Purpose

No matter how old you are, finding a purpose in your life will make you live longer. A study by scientists at the University of Rochester found, by assessing the profile of 6, 000 people, that those who find a purpose in their lives live longer than those who pursue only one specific purpose.

To define a sense of purpose in life, focus on the positive impact that certain work you can have. Stop being a perfectionist and don't focus on just one goal.

8 - Drink Coffee

Bad news for those with gastritis: The fact is, drinking coffee in the morning not only makes you wake up once and for all, but drinking can increase your life span. There are several studies on the effects of coffee on the body, and some have pointed out that coffee can decrease the chances of having diabetes, cardiovascular disease and even Alzheimer's.

The secret, like everything else in life, is not to overdo it. Excess caffeine can cause insomnia, anxiety attacks and interfere with calcium absorption.

9 - Sleep well

Do you know that person who says he sleeps little because "he'll have eternity to sleep"? Don't listen to her. To live longer, you need to sleep well. Lack of sleep is directly linked to diseases like type two diabetes, you know that? Plus, being sleepless will make you a cranky, moody, and tired person all the time. Ideally, have at least seven hours of sleep a day. Maintaining a rest routine is critical - it goes for the weekends, huh!

10 - Be happy

Of course, happiness is not a shirt you simply choose to wear, but you can think about it and find out what makes you a real happy person. Anything goes: that cornmeal cake that only your grandmother knows how to make with her best friend's company; of your new favorite book last weekend with your parents. Happiness usually comes with the simplest things, notice.

Being happy is so good that a study from Illinois found that, in fact, happy people live longer. Elizabeth Lombardo explains that factors such as depression, pessimism and stress are directly related to a shorter life, after all are factors that affect our immune system.

Remember that in cases of depression and other similar illnesses, it is no use telling the person that they need to see the bright side of life simply because it is not up to them. In such cases, therefore, it is always good to seek medical help, after all there are several efficient treatments for the problem.

11 - Enough of soda

Do not think of the drink just as a villain for those who want to lose weight. Soda is not good for anyone, and this goes for both the normal and sugar-free versions. A recent study, published in the American Journal of Public Health, found a relationship between drink consumption and the lifetime of the drinker.

It took the researchers five years to find that normal soda consumption is directly related to the shortening of telomeres, which are structures of our chromosomes, linked to aging.

As for dietary versions, the warning is: consumption is associated with weight gain, the onset of type 2 diabetes and depression. When in doubt, drink plenty of water and bet on juices, especially natural ones without sugar.

12 - Basic Running

In addition to being an excellent exercise, some research suggests that it takes no more than five minutes of running a day to ensure a healthier and therefore longer life. This can reduce your chance of developing heart problems by up to 58%, you know? In addition, it reduces the risk of death by 28% overall. Best of all, you can run at a slow pace, no need to play the marathoner.

13 - If you eat meat, choose the fish

The advice here is because of omega-3, a substance with practically magical effects. A study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine found that people with higher levels of omega-3 in their blood live two years longer than those with low amounts of the substance. It's not proof that eating fish makes you live longer, but it's definitely a connection between the two.

People with high levels of omega-3 in the body have a 27% reduction in risk of death and 35% in developing heart disease. To eat omega-3, choose salmon, tuna and lake trout.

If you do not eat meat, it is good to consume flaxseed and oil extracted from it, rich in the same substance. According to nutritionist George GuimarĂ£es, a specialist in vegetarian diets, the ideal is to consume a teaspoon of flaxseed oil daily. So there's no excuse, huh!

14 - Get up!

We have even talked about it here at Mega Curioso: sitting too long is bad for your health and even shortens your life. The issue is once again related to the telomeres of their chromosomes. The news is: sitting too long decreases the size of these structures as well. The solution is to get up from your chair every 1 hour or so and take a walk. Even better if it's for a glass of water.

15 - Be a volunteer

Having a social role and helping others is not just an exercise in citizenship, but it makes you feel useful - remember the tip of finding a purpose in your life? - but it gives you a longer life. That is: the world gets better and so do you.

Anyone who does some kind of volunteer work is 20% less likely to die from heart disease. The relationship between one thing and another lies in the fact that those who work helping people voluntarily often have less depression, feel better and more satisfied about their lives.

There is even a study of retired people: those who do at least 200 hours of volunteer work per year in the first year of retirement have improved blood pressure and are therefore less likely to develop heart problems. Everyone wins. Same.


So, had you thought of the above factors as a chance to live longer? Share your experience with us in the comments!

* Posted on 11/14/2014