7 easy tricks to avoid the pitfalls of your mind

1. Be kind to yourself

Start celebrating your success more and be less critical about your mistakes. The brain protects your health and determines your mood; so when you overly condemn yourself, your brain looks for ways to make up for that charge, and it all becomes a negative snowball.

2. Read as many books as you like, but take it easy

If you have not been reading for a long time and want to return to this habit, it is good to know a few tricks: it is no use, for example, wanting to read all the backward books at once; The ideal is to go slowly. Set a realistic daily page goal, as our brains are not very fond of long-term projects.

3. Avoid chattering during physical activities

During exercise, it is common for people to become more talkative than usual. This is because physical exertion triggers the escape mechanism, accelerating your pulse and breathing - you may end up revealing unwanted secrets at this time. So, leave the chat for the most propitious moments, such as a date.

4. Delete the games from your phone

Many people believe that smartphone games help to develop intelligence and attention, but this is not entirely true. If you want to boost your brain, nothing is a substitute for sport or physical activity, as at that moment blood is pumped harder into your head, stimulating it more than your mobile phone screen.

5. Break complex tasks into smaller ones

If you have a big challenge and don't know where to start, just break it down into smaller tasks. This helps the brain not only think about the difficulties of the job as a whole and focus on the small details of your project.

6. Stop eating when you feel full

Who has never eaten with their eyes and made a giant silver at the buffet? Overdoing is normal since this is the fault of dopamine, the desire hormone. When you feel satisfied, try to stop eating by getting rid of the plate or covering it with a napkin, as sight of the food activates this hormone. The desire to eat everything will disappear and you will feel better.

7. Dim the lights in your room 1 hour before bed

By reducing the light in the room, your brain will soon receive the signal that it is time to rest. Your rhythms will begin to slow and your body will prepare for sleep more calmly. And there's nothing better than a good night's sleep, isn't it?