VIP: British travels alone on 189 passenger plane

British author Karon Grieve, 57, who currently lives in Scotland, has scheduled a dream vacation in Greece. It would be 30 days at the biggest heck, but she didn't realize the good life would start before she even left home: as she boarded the Jet2 flight, she found she would travel alone!

That's right! Karon paid only £ 46 and would have all seats available for the full length of the flight, scheduled for just over 7 hours. She traveled from Glasgow to Crete last Sunday (22) and was informed at the airport that only three people had checked in, but at the time of boarding only she showed up. Thus, Karon was treated like a queen during the trip.

Empty airplane

Karon posted a photo showing all the empty armchairs

The pilot spoke to her more personally, calling her by name and explaining all the details of the trip, such as the altitude and the countries they were flying over at any given moment. Another wonderful thing was that Karon didn't even have to wait for his luggage in the wake of Crete airport: as he was the only passenger, it was all very fast!

Karon was able to sit in the number-one armchair, which has more legroom - although she could lie down and roll on the aircraft, which no one would complain about. The flight was so VIP that Jet2 decided to include a free meal to make the passenger happy even more. What luck, huh?

And the most curious thing is that from Crete to Glasgow the same plane was packed! All 189 seats were filled.

Karon Grieve

After the best trip of a lifetime, Karon now enjoys his vacation in Greece