You will not believe the (little) age of this "little gentleman"

In movie theaters, when children want to look older, something magical happens: in “I Want to Be Big” and in “Suddenly 30, ” a boy and a girl, respectively, appear to be much older than they really are. In the end, of course, they return to the real ages. And when does something happen like this in real life?

Xiao Cui's condition is not magical: at 18, he looks to be at least 80! The Chinese have a rare syndrome that affects the tissues of his face, causing them to grow and fall like an elderly man. Interestingly enough, apparently only Xiao's facial appearance is being affected, with the rest of his body and health corresponding to his actual age.

Doctors have not yet figured out what is affecting the young man's face cells, but are trying to make it stay positive. Xiao is one of the best students in the class, including the nickname Superman as he dominates subjects from different fields like no other.

Xiao Cui

Xiao Cui is only 18 years old

Obviously, looks end up being bullied. “I'd be lying if I said I don't mind my appearance, but I've always been a positive person; this is my greatest strength, ”says the young man in an interview. Mocking usually comes from behind, but eventually comes to your ears.

There are several syndromes, with progeria or Huntchinson-Gilford, that can cause premature aging of human organs and tissues. However, most of them affect the whole body and not just an isolated region, as seems to be the case with Xiao. What remains for us is to hope that doctors find out what he has and can reverse (or at least pause) aging.


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