You can charge your electronics with sugar in the future.

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According to a report published by DigInfo, a group of researchers at the University of Tokyo, Japan, found a way to use table sugar to develop more efficient and cheaper rechargeable batteries, which would make it possible in the future to replace the batteries. lithium devices so widely used today.

According to the story, lithium - widely used in batteries for cameras, cell phones and other electronics - is not abundantly found worldwide, forcing several countries to import this substance. Motivated to find a viable alternative to develop new rechargeable devices, the researchers used sucrose as an active ingredient to act as the anode - or negative pole - of batteries.

The scientists heated the sugar to 1, 500 ° C in an oxygen-free oven, turning it into a carbon powder. And although other elements can also be heated to obtain this powder, sucrose is extremely abundant, which would make the new batteries' manufacturing process cheaper, also reflecting the final value of the electronics.

Source: DigInfo