Will you keep thinking racism doesn't exist after this video?

The Campaign Against Racism showed, in a very didactic way, how racial prejudice is still rooted in our judgments, including the most superficial ones. To prove this, a social experiment was conducted with Human Resources professionals.

People were divided into two groups, and basically needed to say what models in a series of images they were doing or what professions they seemed to have. The first group saw pictures of only white subjects, and the second saw exactly the same pictures seen by the previous class - the difference now is that the models were black.

The experiment

The difference in responses between groups is frightening. The white man in the suit and tie is seen as an executive; while black is called a driver, for example. The white girl with a can of spray paint in her hand was graffiti; the black one, pricking.

Behind this judgment that we make only through one's skin color is the so-called institutional racism, which is what happens when black people suffer prejudice in the workplace - no wonder the experiment volunteers were all professional. HR

The campaign also released some statistics that prove that racial prejudice still exists: 82.6% of blacks say that their skin color influences their professional life; black people earn 37% less than white people and occupy only 18% of leadership positions; Among the unemployed, 60.6% are black.

Remember that racism is a crime - to report, just call Dial 100.