Is it the brunettes they like best?

Source: Thinkstock

TodaEla already told about the influence that blond hair has on the male audience. But it seems that this advantage only applies to the moment of conquest.

A survey by Westminster University and published in the Scandinavian Journal of Psychology found that when they are in bars, men tend to engage in conversation with blondes. But in other situations, they consider the brunettes more beautiful and intelligent.

According to the Daily Mail, the finding was made possible after a hired model went to the same nightclub with three different wigs: a blonde, another redhead and the third brunette. In the first situation, she drew more attention from the male audience, being sung 60 times. At other times this number drops to 18 and 42 respectively.

This, however, was only the first part of the research. The team then asked 130 men at the bar to rate the photos of the three looks worn by the girl. At this stage, the dark look was pointed out as the most beautiful and attractive by the participants.

For researchers, this means that although they flirt more with blondes, they prefer brunettes. The approach would only be more common with light-haired women as they are considered more sexually available, even if this is not always in line with reality.