Is it possible to permanently change the color of your eyes

A company called Stroma Medical is boasting of changing anyone's eye color from brown to blue. The company claims it has already performed 37 successful surgeries on patients in Costa Rica and Mexico.

If US regulatory agencies approve the procedure to be performed by Stroma Medical, it should cost US $ 5, 000 for each patient.

The surgery is performed with laser, similar to a myopia correction. And while laser contact with the iris lasts only 20 seconds, it may take a few weeks for the body to remove all brown pigment until the eyes are really blue.

The light of your eyes

Here in Brazil, no type of surgery to change the color of the iris is approved by ANVISA (National Health Surveillance Agency) or the Federal Council of Medicine. However, it is noteworthy that the biggest problem is not having to travel to another country to do the procedure or even its value.

There is not yet a large study on the long-term effects to ensure the treatment is really safe, and some ophthalmologists say the procedure may increase the chances of the patient developing glaucoma. So just for safety, it might be best to continue with contact lenses alone.