10 crazy facts about little known countries in the world

Do you think you are a great connoisseur of the world map? Do you know the names of over 100 countries and everything? So we have a challenge for you: check if you know the nations on the list and also see some crazy and funny facts about the culture of each place.

Below you will find data on currency, geographical location and even movie characters officially inserted in the local culture. Few of them are easy to know, but the interesting fact about the place is worth the read. Follow the curiosities below.


Kiribati is the only country in the world that is present in the four hemispheres (North, South, East and West). This is because it contains several small islands across the Pacific Ocean.


This tiny island in the middle of the Pacific has only 1, 200 residents and ties with New Zealand. A funny fact is that many locals use Disney coins for shopping. In 2014, Disney Coins (featuring Star Wars characters and Mickey) are worth $ 25 in local currency - the rarest is priced at $ 40, 000.


In name, the African country is not so unknown. But did you know that it is still in 2008? Exactly: Because of the presence of the Coptic Orthodox Church, residents use the traditional calendar.

Bottom line: In the 16th century, Christians changed the date of Christ's birth - so it's 2015. The Ethiopian crowd, for following a more traditional religion, continued with the ancient calendar.


Another well-known country, but with a "funny" fact: they cannot participate in FIFA football championships - nor join the organization. This is because it is mandatory that the sport be practiced in a grassy field. There is only land, gravel and ice in the country (technically, Greenland is not an independent country either).


Located in Oceania, Nauru Island does not officially have a capital - however, since the Yaren neighborhood has many authority houses, residents regard the place as the capital.

Also, Nauru is the "fattest" nation in the world. While the average BMI is between 18.5 and 24.9, the islanders have between 34 and 35 points.


The country receives about $ 50 million just for entitling websites to use the ".tv" domain instead of ".com".


The Ténéré Tree is a small acacia tree in the middle of the desert. And it holds the title of "most isolated tree in the world." Other trees are more than 250 miles away (400 kilometers) - however, they no longer exist. Today a "metal" tree has been put in place. The original trunk is in a museum.


The Federated States of Micronesia are part of the Pacific Ocean. In Yap State, the local currency is not made of paper, but "Rai" stones that look like giant disks. As it is difficult to carry them back and forth, residents usually make purchases and verbal agreements - but remember that this is used for more "traditional" purchases. Real money exchanges are still in place.


Estonia is the least religious country in the world. In a survey by Gallup, only 14% of residents answered yes to the question: "Is religion an important part of my life?". On the other hand, the most religious country is Egypt, with 100% affirmation.


With less than 40, 000 residents, the Principality of Liechtenstein is the largest producer of false teeth in the world. In 2010, they hit the record of 60 million teeth produced. That means they exported 1/5 of all the product in the world.