10 times the perfect day turned upside down

1. When the birthday is 22 years old and you were responsible for the candles


2. When you get so happy with the product that it spoils everything

USB cable

3. When you are good at cycling and this happens


4. When the only thing you wanted was a picture by the river


5. When you try to copy a haircut you saw on the internet and you bitterly regret it


6. When the only thing you wanted was a temporary henna tattoo


7. When you finish assembling the puzzle and find that a piece is missing


8. When you lose your mind


9. When you are hungry but turn on the wrong stove mouth


10. When a crow steals your money and doesn't want to give back for nothing in this world


Most times bad luck kicked in:

  • 15 ways to park that would never be approved by Detran
  • 13 times the Fairy of Chance was dirtier than usual
  • Sexual Misadventures: 13 Bizarre X-Rays of People Who Got Wrong


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