11 Image Comparisons That Will Amaze You - Part 2

Images that confront us with a new perspective are most welcome and, let's face it, sometimes become quite intriguing. Routine tends to accommodate vision with old habits, but when we set out to look around differently, we may come across totally new things. You who thought the saga of unusual comparisons were over, here's the second part of our odyssey. There is still a lot to discover, so stay tuned in the images below.

1. On the left side we have more modern LED lampposts. While on the left, the streetlights have those old yellowish lights.

2. They have tested durability with these black Seinnheiser earphones and Beats white earphones. Both were subjected to the same conditions of use over the same period of time.

3. Look how tiny the school bus gets around that Transformer .

4. Looks like it's snowing on one side and not on the other, right? It is just printing. The guy went to take a picture and his camera caught the flash of someone else who was shooting at the same time. Anyway, the effect was very interesting!

5. Notice how small human hands are compared to the feet of a polar bear.

6. In 1990, we would need all this equipment for the functions that a regular mobile phone has today. A lot of junk to carry, right? As we said in Part 1 of this article, technology really is a gift!

7. Russia with all this extension has 143.9 million inhabitants, while tiny Bangladesh has an impressive 165.9 million - looking like that, it seems pretty tight there.

8. On the left we see a magazine for girls where the only theme is basically beauty and on the right we see a magazine for boys about professions. The reflection on this subject we leave with you.

9. If the state of Utah in the United States is ever your travel destination, be aware that one day the sky may be open and sunny, and 24 hours later brutal freezing snow will fall.

10. The street is the same after 71 years only.

11. Paw of a Tyrannosaurus Rex Vs. Paw of an Rhea.