15 Facts About Genghis Khan, One of History's Greatest Conquerors

If you are a history buff and are interested in the Great Empires that once existed, then you know that Genghis Khan is among the greatest conquerors of all time. He established the largest empire in an adjoining area of ​​which without news that, in its heyday, came to occupy a territory of over 30 million square kilometers. Here's how it expanded since its founding in 1206:

Mongolian Empire

(Wikimedia Commons / Astrokey44)

The Mongol Empire began to decline in decline after the death of Genghis Khan in 1227 and eventually disintegrated in the mid-14th century. However, it is clear that only a ruthless leader ahead of a brutal military force could have come so far. far and conquered all that Genghis Khan has achieved - and below you can check a selection of curiosities about this tenacious character:

1 - Genghis Khan was only in his 20s when he gathered a number of Mongol tribes and became their leader.

2 Originally, his name was Temujin - which in Mongol means "blacksmith". And he only adopted the name Genghis Khan when he was about 40 years old.

3 - Genghis was a guy who had better not go against it ... He once ordered the death of an entire royal family because the members refused to provide him with more armies for a war campaign.

Mausoleum of Genghis Khan

(China Tour Advisors)

4. According to historical records on Genghis Khan, he had about 500 wives - the majority given (yes, given) to him by peacemaking rivals.

Despite being ruthless with his enemies, Genghis Khan always offered them the opportunity to surrender peacefully and voluntarily before attacking.

6 - It is estimated that the Mongol army had a contingent of 150, 000 soldiers - with a cavalry of 80, 000 men.

Genghis khan

(China Tour Advisors)

7 - The archers that made up his army were able to fire arrows mounted on their horses at full speed - and could do so by accurately pointing forward and turning on their own body to throw arrows backward.

It is estimated that during the expansion of his empire Genghis Khan and his army killed over 40 million people in Asia and Europe.

One of the tactics used by Genghis Khan was to seek out the best and strongest soldiers from his enemies and bring them into his army.

Genghis Khan Statue


10 - It is said that during a battle fought against the Taijut tribe in the early 13th century, Genghis Khan was knocked off his horse after being hit by an arrow. His army won the battle and captured all enemy soldiers, and the Mongol leader demanded that the person responsible for the wound be found.

11 - Impressed by the man's skill and courage, Genghis Khan made him an officer in his pack. The archer eventually became known as Jebe - or "arrow" - and became one of the greatest commanders of the Mongol army.

12 - Genghis Khan exempted the poor from paying taxes, allowed their subjects to practice the religion they wanted, and encouraged the literacy of all. Because of this, many people joined their empire voluntarily.

Genghis khan

(History Collection)

13 According to reports by Marco Polo, Italian explorer and merchant Genghis Khan died of an arrow wound on one of his knees.

14 To this day, Genghis Khan is considered to be one of the greatest heroes of Mongol culture and his face can be found in all sorts of things - from money bills to stamps, to illustrations and labels of various products (such as alcoholic beverages, etc.). example).

Although there are many reproductions of Genghis Khan, no one knows what his real appearance was like. However, historical records indicate that he was tall and long-bearded.


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