How Hangover Helped Us Have Two Free Days A Week

Today is Monday and do you miss your weekend already? If you are one who enjoys Saturday to party and Sunday to recover, be aware that this was not always so: if we can now plan our weekend and separate the fun and rest into two days, our ancestors had to group everything together. 24 hours!

If you could get into a Delorean and go back in time, you would see that the week structure - with five business days and two days off - did not exist. Of course, it is not something that has changed overnight, as it involves religious customs, labor practices and, of course, leisure itself.

Monday was a drama

England can be a major responsible for our joy. During the Industrial Revolution, the two-day rest was a way of dealing with hangover employees. At the time, many employees staggered to work Monday morning - when they didn't miss it. So the bosses decided to release part-time Saturday, giving time for alcohol lovers to enjoy it and still have another 24 hours to cure the hangover.

Even though at first the Church did not welcome this custom, several factories and stores began releasing employees on Saturday, leaving more free time for other activities, such as dance nights.

Now there's no excuse for coming to work with this guy

Thus custom became a tradition followed by several later labor negotiations and went from one and a half days off to two.

A toast to the drunks!