15 organized cable photos that will drive IT professionals crazy

We have already published a collection of 35 photographs that would drive any IT professional crazy. Now we bring a new selection with some images that can also make everyone "jealous" ...

After all, it's hard not to feel like going to the hub or the nearest switch to make all the cables neatly arranged.

Besides the aesthetic factor, it is also much easier to know exactly where each of the connected cables comes from, right? Or will you say that a completely messy environment can help you find solutions to your problems?

Prepare the wine and the mullet, because here comes a festival of technological orgasms ...

1. Paradise is purple

2. Rapunzel of the nets

3. Salivating

4. Simple and magnificent

5. Let me connect with you

6. "Draw a bow iro"

7. On any leaf I draw a yellow sun

8. Green is hope

9. This is art

10. High level

11. Small Networks, Big Business

12. Baba baby

13. Sweeten, my love!

14. All blue!

15. You can't go wrong!


Do you consider yourself an organized person about the cables in your home or business?


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15 organized cable photos that will drive IT professionals crazy via TecMundo