15 images that will send waves of anxiety through your body

You may have seen countless images on the Internet that could cause waves of anxiety even in the quietest people, right? But, you may not have come across the ones listed below, gathered from a harrowing post from the folks at Boredom Therapy! Check out:

1 - Look at the contents of this can

2 - And what about this hidden being?

3 - When you need the toilet paper and ...

4 - Or find out that they “patched” the airplane turbine with tape

5 - Imagine a distracted stepping on this ladder!

6 - Can you imagine yourself doing this?

7 Or walking quietly in a place like this?

8 - How about taking a dip in this water?

9 - Have you thought!

10 - Was the attendant aware?

11 - Who imagined that the fruit and vegetable sector could be so dangerous?

12 - Would you walk around?

13 - Did you look closely at your toothbrush before using it?

14 - Imagine if the guy slips ...

15 - Or unbalanced!