17 Condom Trivia You Probably Don't Know

Here at Mega Curioso we have already brought you, our dear readers, fun articles full of interesting facts related to sex, female, male anatomy, with urban legends that circulate and much more. However, although we also published numerous articles on condoms, we had not yet posted anything dedicated solely to their curiosities. So how about checking 17 that you probably don't know?

Image source: Reproduction / Wikipedia

1 - It is estimated that approximately 5 billion condoms are used every year in the world;

2 - During World War II, soldiers found an unusual utility for condoms: they used condoms to cover rifle barrels to prevent salt water from entering the gun;

About 40% of all condoms sold worldwide are bought by women;

Image Source: Shutterstock

4. The earliest evidence of condom use - or any form of it - in Europe was discovered by archaeologists in a cave in Combarelles, France, in the form of cave paintings dating from 11 to 13, 000 years ago;

5 - According to historical records, the ancient Egyptians already used condoms in 1350 BC and, in addition, used dry crocodile poop as a “reinforcement” thanks to their spermicidal action;

6 - In the past, condoms were made with the bladders and intestines of sheep, goats and rams, and many of them were reusable;

Condom made from animal intestines Image source: Reproduction / Wikipedia

Although most are now made of latex, in the past condoms were also made of linen, leather, silk, fish skin and even metal;

8 - The Japanese had two types of condoms: one was made of animal skin and the other, probably quite uncomfortable, horned or tortoiseshell;

9 “Rubber” condoms were not invented even in the 19th century by Charles Goodyear, the famous tire manufacturer;

19th century with instruction manual and all! Image source: Reproduction / Wikipedia

10 - To produce them, manufacturers dip glass molds - of various shapes and sizes - into latex, waiting for the material to be cured. Then the condoms are removed from the molds, washed and lightly powdered so that they do not sticky. They are then electronically tested to make sure that they are not drilled, rolled, lubricated and ultimately packed.

11 - World preference varies slightly: in the US it seems that there has been an increase in demand for models containing organic materials and lubricants; Europeans come in different textures and designs, while Brazilians like mint and mint flavors;

12 - An ordinary condom can accommodate more than 3 liters of liquid inside;

Image Source: Playback / Durex

13 - In Nigeria, the word okpuamu means condom, but literally the translation of the term would be something like "penis hat";

14 - Legend has it that the illustrious Italian Casanova used condoms quite regularly - good! - which he apparently affectionately referred to as the 'redingote anglaise', that is, the English horseback cape;

Casanova making fun of condoms Image source: Reproduction / Wikipedia

15 - A total of 100, 000 condoms were distributed to athletes who participated in the Sochi Winter Olympics, meaning that each received an average of 35 units;

16 - Female condoms appeared in the 90's, but did not achieve the expected success due to discomfort and difficulty of use;

Challenge: Try to repeat the Danish word for condom without stuttering: svangerskabsforebyggendemiddel . So, reader, did you get it?

* Originally posted on 12/03/2014.


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