3 apps to inspire you and give a dose of creativity

There are times when we need to look for new perspectives to find a way to resolve an issue that seems to have no solution. There are many ways to feel inspired and creative, but there are days when it's hard to get a good idea.

That's why we've put together 3 apps that can help you break out of the vicious circle that keeps you from getting the idea you need so much to design your project.

1. Tumblr

It is a platform that allows the exchange of information between users, also considered a social network. This is a good choice for any kind of inspiration and creativity trigger, as you can search for text, images and videos, especially about fashion, music and design.

You can bookmark the posts you like best and follow a particular user whose focus is on the subject you're looking for.


2. We Heart It

Like Tumblr, We Heart It gives you the ability to save posts and follow the users you care about, talk about the topics you like or work with.

WeHeartIt's research is very broad and has a wide range of subjects for those who need an extra dose of inspiration and motivation to work from day to day. The user just needs to know which way to go and let the ideas come.

We heart it

3. Pinterest

Pinterest has similarities to the apps described earlier, but it seems a bit more complete, because with it you can search from commercials, packaging design, fashion, designs, tattoos, DIY and more.

A broad app that allows the user to create public or private albums to save their favorite posts. However, it is important to note that it is due to public libraries that the user finds images in the app.

When it comes to trigger creativity, inspiration and motivation, Pinterest is one of the best platforms on the market to help you think differently and put your projects to work.


3 apps to inspire you and get creative via TecMundo