4 sinister theories about the destruction of the universe

The most widely accepted theory in science today to explain the origin of the universe is that it emerged 13.8 billion years ago in a huge explosion known as the Big Bang. Still according to the theory, since this cosmic event took place, space has continued to expand and will continue for a long time.

However, just as there is a - possible - explanation about the emergence of the universe, there are also various speculations about what might destroy it. While on the one hand there is the idea that it all came from a spectacular explosion, the possibilities presented for the end of all existence are beyond frightening. Check out 4 of them below:

1 - The Great Freeze

Known by the English name of "Big Freeze, " the theory of the Great Freeze basically refers to the idea that the universe could "die" from the cold. You must remember the term entropy, right? It refers to the measure of disorder of particles in a physical system and quantifies their degree of irreversibility.

According to the proponents of the Great Freeze theory, if we consider the cosmos as an isolated system - which it, while incredibly giant, is - as it continues its infinite expansion, its entropy will continue to increase until it reaches a maximum limit.

When this happens, the heat present throughout the system will be completely evenly distributed, so that energy (or heat) is no longer available. As a result, all mechanical movement in the system will cease to exist - and everything in the universe, such as galaxies, stars, planets, etc., will eventually die.

2 - The Great Break

Another theory, based on the idea of ​​the continual expansion of the universe, is known as the "Big Rip" - or "Big Rupture" in free translation - and its outcome is beyond sinister! According to this concept, as the cosmos's rate of expansion increases, the galaxies will gradually begin to separate from each other.

Then the galaxies themselves will begin to break apart, and after them, solar systems, stars, planets, satellites, asteroids, comets ... in short, everything in the universe, even molecules and atoms, will eventually “tear apart”. ”Due to the increasing speed of expansion of the cosmos.

3 - The Great Collapse

The Big Collapse theory - or "Big Crunch" - runs counter to the two scenarios we described earlier, based on the idea that the expansion of the universe will be responsible for its destruction. For supporters of the Great Collapse theory, at some point in its existence, the cosmos will stop growing in size and begin to shrink .

This process will continue until the universe collapses completely, destroying absolutely everything in it. What's worse is that, according to physicists' calculations, this is an imminent event - from a cosmological point of view! - which means that it must happen within a few tens of billions of years.

4 - Great Rebound

Also known by the English name of “Big Bounce, ” the Big Rebound theory rests on the idea that the universe has oscillated between periods of expansion and collapse - and we, like everything else in the cosmos, are stuck in that stretch. Cosmic e-pull.

According to this theory, prior to the Big Bang, there was a shrinking universe with a spacetime geometry similar to that of today's expanding space. However, as gravitational forces attracted this shrinking cosmos to a single point, the quantum properties of spacetime have altered the way gravity behaves, making it repulsive.

Thus, in other words, the Big Rebound theory is based on the premise that the Big Bang was the result of a Big Crunch, that is, the complete collapse of a universe that existed before the present one.

* Posted on 29/01/2016


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