5 Everyday Things Most People Do Wrong

Over time, we get used to habits that are not always the best for our health. None of them are extremely serious, but if you intend to "up" your health, it would be ideal for you to leave these behavioral vices behind. Check out:

1. Use too many alarm clocks

If you think getting out of bed is difficult and therefore puts on multiple alarm clocks, in fact you will only make the feeling worse. Every time you hit the snooze button and try to sleep “just another 5 minutes, ” your newly awakened body prepares for a new sleep cycle, which ultimately will not materialize. And the effort for this is too great, only making the moment worse when you really have to get out of bed. The ideal is to use at most 2 different times and preferably get up with the first alarm clock.


2. Overdoing Toothpaste

The amount of toothpaste does not really change the effectiveness of the product: clogging the brush will not make your teeth cleaner as it is the result of brushing itself. The paste has the function of smoothing the bristles and making them slide more easily on the teeth.


3. Use hot air dryer

That warm air that comes out of the machines in the mall toilets is loaded with bacteria without your knowledge. They proliferate in warmer environments, so it is preferable that you dry your hands with paper towels.


4. Dry the dishes to the natural

Let's face it: drying the dishes is dirty, but it is preferable that you do it with a clean cloth rather than letting it dry naturally, as the moisture left in the utensils can help the mold and bacteria proliferate.


5. Breathe

That's right: a lot of people breathe "wrong". It is normal that, as we get older, we begin to breathe more and more, increasing the chest, and ideally the diaphragm, located in the belly, makes this movement. Breathing through the belly reduces the pressure in the chest and stomach, helps the lungs with gas exchange and even contributes to the digestive system.



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