5 culinary experiences that only the bravest would face

1 - Phoenix Feet

Calm down, we are not talking about a mythological dish. In fact, this is the name of a fairly common delicacy in China. There, the crowd eats not only the meat of chicken feet, but also the bones and cartilage. Everything is fried and drenched in a sauce so that the result is a crispy and juicy snack at the same time. Would you try it?

2 - Chapulines

If eating insects isn't a problem for you, maybe it's time to try these bizarre fried grasshoppers. The delicacy is consumed mainly in Mexico, especially during the summer, which is when the pets are still young. The preparation includes washing the grasshoppers very well and then passing them in a kind of crumbs of herbs and spices. They say the taste is similar to that of chips.

3 - Tazukuri

Ah, the Japanese and their love for fish ... Here is a dish made with fried sardines and dipped in a soy sauce, honey and sugar. Traditionally speaking, these are snacks eaten during the Japanese New Year. Got hungry?

4 - Kugel

This dish is popular in Jewish cuisine and is basically a kind of sweet instant noodles. In the recipe goes also egg, cottage cheese, cream, sugar and crunchy sweet flakes on top of the whole thing. Detail: This is not a dessert, but a main course, usually served at dinner.

5 - Snake Heart

Here we are not talking about a dish served in restaurants, but a tradition common in some regions of Vietnam. Some people do it there because they believe that eating the snake's heart, raw and "washed" with the animal's own blood, is a way to have more strength. The bizarre ritual happens quickly, as the idea is to eat the animal's heart while it is still beating.


Obviously, we are not encouraging the consumption of these dishes, let alone animal abuse. The idea here is just to know some bizarre dishes that are consumed by different cultures around the world.

* Posted on 3/21/2016