5 figures that became famous memes

You must recognize countless memes circulating on the internet, right? However, do you know who the people appearing in these images are or under what circumstances they were photographed? Because Arienne Crezo from Mental_Floss has put together a list of super-famous memes and discovered a bit of their stories, and we at Mega Curioso have selected five of them for you to check out:

1 - The suspicious baby

The little boy above is called Mason, and the photo was clicked during a visit to the museum in 2011. The boy's father, who thought his son had made a funny face in the portrait, decided to post the image on Reddit, and within hours Mason turned into " Skeptical Baby " - the little boy who doesn't believe everything they talk about.

2 - The successful boy

Better known as " Success Kid, " Sammy Griner - the boy in the picture - was just 11 months old when he became one of the most famous memes in the world. The image was clicked by her mother, Laney Griney, while the family spent the day at the beach, and posted on Flickr a few months later.

Someone found the portrait, liked Sammy's defiant pose, and it turned into a real hit - literally. So much so that Virgin Media bought the rights to use the image and stamped “Success Kid” on UK billboards, and the meme even appeared in a television commercial.

3 - The most photogenic guy in the world

The portrait boy you just saw, Zeddie Little, was taking part in one of those street races when he was clicked by photographer Will King in 2012. The image landed on Reddit, and Little turned into a “ Ridiculously Photogenic Guy ” - or “Ridiculously Photogenic Face”. Also ... who looks good in the picture during a race?

4 - The kiss couple

The romantic scene above was spotted in Vancouver in 2011, during an armed turmoil following the Stanley Cup final - which annually awards the best ice hockey team in the world. The photo was clicked by a photographer after Alexandra Thomas was knocked over by a police officer, and her boyfriend Scott Jones lay beside her to comfort her. Because the image fell on the internet and has since been included in all kinds of scenes. See some examples:

5 figures that became famous memes

5 figures that became famous memes

5 figures that became famous memes

5 figures that became famous memes

5 figures that became famous memes

5 - Godfather Baby

The boy in the photo you just saw - dressed in a suit and posing with a Don Corleone-style frown - was clicked during a wedding in 2010. However, the little boy only became a meme after his father post the image on Reddit in 2011, and since then it has appeared thousands of times over the internet, usually accompanied by dialogues from the movies "The Godfather."


So, dear reader, what did you think of knowing a little better about the people who starred in the images that became memes? Would you like our team to gather more of these figures for you to check out? Be sure to tell us in the comments!