6 Unusual Animals Hunting Deadly and Feared Animals in the Wild [video]

Forget everything you knew to this day about those creatures seen as the scariest and deadliest in the world, as the laws of deadly danger in the jungle apply differently to every being on earth.

If you came across some unfriendly animals that roam free in the thickets of the globe, you would surely be scared countless times and even run desperately to a safer place, right?

Well, quite unlike this kind of human behavior, it's good to know that there are a lot of “quiet” animals in the jungle that would see, for example, a shark or a deadly spider as an extremely tasty snack for an ordinary day. Are you curious? Find out who they are:

1. The “stallion” who likes piranhas

Seen as a “delicate” animal by good folk, the pink dolphin, unlike oxen, cows, and many humans, has no fear of the dreaded piranhas of the Amazon River. Quite the contrary: they devour their flesh as if at a true banquet.

2. Crocodile eater

The illustrious jaguar (or jaguar), considered the largest feline in the western hemisphere and the third largest in the world, is keen on hunting alligators and crocodiles and tasting them with taste. That is, not every feline fears water, as most people think.

3. Spider Kebab

Well, you probably already know that spiders (mostly) feed on insects - so far so good. However, how about meeting an insect that has the ability to explode a tarantula?

Well, the wasp of the notorious Pompilidae family is an excellent spider hunter and can paralyze young arachnids with a simple sting. After that, she plants an egg inside the spider's abdomen, which is big enough to literally explode at the time of birth of the winged insect chicks - bizarre, right?

4. The predator of the Asian wasps

Pernis ptilorhynchus, known as eastern hornet, is a large bird. Distinguished and essential to Asia, he is the only natural predator of the giant wasps that roam the continent of drawn-eyed beings.

Clothed with feathers that can protect them from the insect's deadly bites, they love to hunt wasps and consequently help many villagers to have less misfortune with this pest in Asian lands.

5. Free Willy, the shark serial killer

Well, not even the great and feared white sharks escape being caught at some point in their lives, for nature always manifests itself in the form of cycles - always. In this case, the hunter of the time is the famous orca (which is more for a dolphin than a whale, specifically), which has as one of its main oceans hobbies feeding on sharks - small, of course.

Do you know how she achieves this feat? The orca is smart and knows very well that sharks need to move to breathe. As such, it holds its prey upside down until the shark is completely immobilized and suffocated.

6. A portion of bears and badgers for the banquet

You have probably heard the term "eagle eyes" in your life, right? If you do not know yet, the golden eagle can detect small movements at 3, 000 meters in the air - practically a binocular with wings - and with that, the animal is one of the greatest hunters of the Blue Planet.

With the ability to annihilate any prey with some ease and agility, and counting very precisely at the time of the attack, bears and badgers (which are very violent, by the way) have no chance against this powerful and imposing wild bird.


And do you, reader, know other predators of the animal kingdom who are not afraid to attack dangerous animals around the world? Be sure to share your information with us in the comments below.